So here's the original You May Also Like entry. For those who like nutshells and their contents, the abridged version goes like this:
Brighton City College had a ticket entry machine with some confusing instructions which looked like this:
And I suggested it may help if it looked like this:

Well, I've been back recently and was pleased to discover it's been updated and now looks like this:
Very very close to the labelling and information hierarchy I suggested, which I firmly believe will help people park more successfully.
So, a small victory for usability, and something - should I obtain access to a time machine - I can take with me as I travel back to 1984 and say to me as a kid "Keep drawing volcanoes son (make sure you don't colour over the lines). You don't know it yet, but all this colouring in will one day mean some people will be able to leave their car for a couple of hours without getting a parking ticket".
And with that, my work here is done ... puff of smoke. *cough*