Running a successful newspaper isn't easy. On the spot copy requests, impossible image sourcing, last minute editorial changes, fierce deadlines hanging over your neck. And we should know, having ran a successful rag for 30 minutes one Saturday afternoon within Somerset House as part of the excellent Pick Me Up 2013 graphic arts festival. And when I say ran a successful newspaper, I mean sat down amongst a bunch of kids with pen and ink concentration, spitting out four pages of templated content and having a nice lady print off ten copies (in fantastic monotone tabloid red), from which one they kept and pinned on the wall and another we posted through our neighbour's letterbox for their Sunday morning bulletin.
Nothing like running a successful newspaper, then.
A big thank you to The Loop folks who let us sit down and join in the fun; essentially like clambering aboard some kid's summer bouncy castle party. It was great to see all these little future Jon Burgermans and Malika Favres going about their creative business. Luckily, judging by how focussed the kids were, our frantic scribing under the pressure of their peerage went unnoticed.
Here's a digital edition. And when I say digital edition, I mean photograph of the front and back of our version of The Loop.